Galil Capital RE Spain SOCIMI S.A. (hereinafter "GCRE") is a Spanish Real Estate Investment Company founded in December 2015 whose activity is to invest and subsequently manage real estate assets in Spain. (...)


Galil Capital RE Spain SOCIMI S.A. (hereinafter "GCRE") is a Spanish Real Estate Investment Company founded in December 2015 whose activity is to invest and subsequently manage real estate assets in Spain, primarily in Barcelona and Madrid. GCRE focuses primarily on Residential Properties.

GCRE is oriented toward a long-term investment policy, focusing on properties that can generate stable income as well as offer the opportunity to create price appreciation through value add activities. GCRE is a vehicle externally managed by GC Nadlan Real Estate SL (hereinafter "GC Nadlan"), an independent private management company specialized in real estate investments.


Investors Area

1. General information

  • - RICs valuation appraisals of 6 buildings - June 2018 PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Internal rules of conduct of the Company in matters relating to the stock market - December 2017 PDF
  • - RICs valuation appraisals of 8 buildings - December 2018 PDF
  • - Change of registered address PDF
  • - RICS valuation reports for 31 December 2020 on 10 properties PDF

2. Economic and Financial Information

3. Milestones

Milestones 2020

  • [2020-03-03] Hecho relevante: Préstamos, créditos y avales
    Nueva financiación obtenida por Galil Capital RE Spain SOCIMI, S.A. PDF

  • [2020-02-26] Hecho relevante: Cambios en la valoración de activos y pasivos
    Valoraciones RICS a 31 de diciembre de 2019 de los activos de la sociedad (parte 1 de 3) PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF

  • [2020-02-26] Hecho relevante: Cambios en la valoración de activos y pasivos
    Valoraciones RICS a 31 de diciembre de 2019 de los activos de la sociedad (parte 3 de 3) PDF

Milestones 2019

  • [2020-01-03] Hecho relevante: Participaciones significativas
    Participaciones significativas a 31 de diciembre de 2019 PDF

  • [2019-12-16] Hecho relevante: Otros sobre negocio y situaciones financieras
    Adquisición de un edificio residencial sito en la calle Concepción Arenal, número 79 (Barcelona). PDF

  • [2019-10-15] Hecho relevante: Información financiera periódica
    Revisión del grado de cumplimiento de las proyecciones publicadas - 15 octubre 2019 PDF

  • [2019-10-15] Hecho relevante: Información financiera periódica
    Informe de revisión limitada correspondiente a los estados financieros intermedios del período de seis meses finalizado el 30 de junio de 2019. Estados financieros intermedios del período de seis meses finalizado el 30 de junio de 2019. PDF

  • [2019-07-03] Hecho relevante: Participaciones significativas
    Participaciones significativas a 30 de junio de 2019 PDF

  • [2019-06-04] Hecho relevante: Convocatorias y acuerdos de Junta y asambleas
    Resultado de la Junta General ordinaria de accionistas - 4 junio 2019 PDF

  • [2019-05-16] Hecho relevante: Otros sobre negocio y situaciones financieras
    Adquisición de un edificio sito en calle Navas de Tolosa 279 (Barcelona) PDF

  • [2019-04-01] Hecho relevante: Otros sobre negocio y situaciones financieras
    Nuevas previsiones y estimaciones correspondientes al ejercicio 2019 PDF

  • [2019-03-27] Hecho relevante: Préstamos, créditos y avales
    Reembolso del crédito suscrito con el accionista mayoritario PDF

  • [2019-03-16] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    Inscripción de la escritura de ampliación de capital en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona - Marzo 2019 PDF

  • [2019-02-21] Hecho relevante: Participaciones significativas
    Participaciones significativas - 21 febrero 2019 PDF

  • [2019-02-01] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    Resultado de la ampliacion de capital dineraria - 1 FEB 2019 PDF

Milestones 2018

  • [2019-04-16] Hecho relevante: Información financiera periódica
    Cuentas anuales, informe de gestión e informe de auditoría del ejercicio 2018, así como actualización del informe de estructura organizativa y sistemas de control interno. PDF

  • [2018-12-19] Hecho relevante: Otros sobre negocio y situaciones financieras
    Nuevas previsiones y estimaciones - correspondientes a los ejercicios 2018 y 2019 - 19 diciembre 2018 PDF

  • [2018-12-19] Hecho relevante: Participaciones significativas
    Participaciones Significativas 31 DEC 2018 PDF

  • [2018-11-16] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    Publicación en el BORME de la ampliación de capital - noviembre 2018 PDF

  • [2018-10-15] Hecho relevante: Presentaciones de Planes estratégicos, proyectos y previsiones
    Presentación Corporativa a inversores - 15 octubre 2018 PDF PDF

  • [2018-10-04] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    Aumento de capital aprobado por el Consejo de Administración 3 octubre 2018 PDF

  • [2018-08-08] Hecho relevante: Otros sobre operaciones financieras
    Informe de valoracion de las acciones de la Sociedad emitido por BDO Valuation Services - junio 2018 PDF

  • [2018-08-08] Hecho relevante: Presentaciones de Planes estratégicos, proyectos y previsiones
    Nuevas previsiones y estimaciones correspondientes a los ejercicios 2018 y 2019 - 8 August 2018 PDF

  • [2018-07-24] Hecho relevante: Operaciones y garantías sobre activos
    Adquisición de Verdi 282, Barcelona PDF

  • [2018-07-18] Hecho relevante: Operaciones y garantías sobre activos
    Adquisición de Escorial 9, Barcelona PDF

  • [2018-07-12] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    nueva financiación julio 2018 PDF

  • [2018-07-09] Hecho relevante: Participaciones significativas
    Hecho Relevante MAB Participaciones significativas 30 junio 2018 vDEF PDF

  • [2018-07-02] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    Galil. HR Finalidad y detalles ampliación capital por compensación de créditos PDF

  • [2018-03-28] Hecho relevante: Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
    Aumento del importe total de gastos PDF

4. General Meeting of Shareholders

  • - Notification of an Ordinary Shareholders Meeting - 21 June 2018 PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Result reunion JGO - 21 June 2018 PDF
  • - Notification of an extraordinary Shareholders Meeting - 24 September 2018 PDF PDF PDF
  • - Result of Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting - 24 September 2018 PDF
  • - Notification of an extraordinary shareholders meetings - 11 December 2018 PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Result of extraordinary shareholder meeting held on 11 DEC 2018 PDF
  • - Announcements and agreements of shareholders general meetings - 4 JUne 2019 PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Call of the ordinary general shareholders' meeting. PDF
  • - Results of ordinary shareholders meeting - 29 June 2020 PDF
  • - Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Resolutions adopted by the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on June 29, 2021 PDF
  • - Call for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Resolutions adopted by the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting held on December 23, 2021 PDF
  • - Call for the ordinary general meeting of shareholders PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Announcement of extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Agreements adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on November 3, 2022 PDF
  • - Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting held on March 14, 2023 PDF
  • - Call of the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting - 6 June 2023 PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - Resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting held on June 6, 2023 PDF
  • - Notice of Capital Reduction PDF
  • - Notice of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders PDF
  • - Agreements adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 6, 2024 PDF

5. Offering Memorandum

  • - Offering Memorandum for the MAB - February 2018 PDF
  • - Offering Memorandum for the MAB - 14 November 2018 PDF

6. Insider information

7. Other milestones

  • - Degree of compliance with the forecasts and estimates for the 2019 financial year. PDF
  • - Financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and audit report, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the European Union (IFRS-EU) PDF
  • - Corporate Presentation for Shareholders and Investors - 12 June 2020 PDF
  • - Significant participations as of 30 June 2020 PDF
  • - Corporate presentation addressed to shareholders and investors.
  • - Significant participations on 31 December 2020 PDF
  • - Acquisition of an industrial property located in Naquera (Valencia) by subsidiary Galil Re Naquera 1, S.L.U. PDF
  • - Corporate presentation aimed at shareholders and investors. PDF
  • - Corporate presentation to investors PDF
  • - Significant participations on 30 June 2021 PDF
  • - Financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and audit report, prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union (IFRS-EU) PDF
  • - Corporate presentation to investors - H1-2021 financials PDF
  • - Significant holdings as of December 31, 2021 PDF
  • - RICs Valuations as of 31 December 2021 PDF
  • - New financing obtained by Galil RE Naquera 1 S.L.U. PDF
  • - Corporate presentation addressed to shareholders and investors. PDF
  • - Company valuation report as of December 31, 2021 prepared by Savills Consultores Real Estate, S.A.U. PDF
  • - Resolutions adopted by the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on June 28, 2022 PDF
  • - Significant share holdings as of 30 June 2022 PDF
  • - Sale of 3 residential buildings in Barcelona and Madrid PDF
  • - Corporate presentation addressed to shareholders and investors PDF
  • - Corporate presentation addressed to shareholders and investors PDF
  • - Sale of three residential buildings in Barcelona and Madrid PDF
  • - Significant holdings as of December 31, 2022 PDF
  • - Call of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders PDF PDF PDF PDF
  • - RICS valuations as of December 31, 2022 PDF
  • - The Company communicates the share premium distribution PDF
  • - Corporate presentation addressed to shareholders and investors PDF
  • - La Sociedad comunica el reparto de dividendos PDF
  • - Significant holdings as of June 30, 2023 PDF
  • - Corporate presentation aimed at shareholders and investors PDF
  • - Significant holders as of 31 December 2023 PDF
  • - Sale of seven real estate properties in Barcelona and Madrid during the year 2023 PDF
  • - RICS valuations as of December 31, 2023 PDF
  • - Corporate presentation aimed at shareholders and investors PDF
  • - The Company communicates the distribution of dividends PDF
  • - Significant holdings as of June 30, 2024 PDF


Management Team

GC Nadlan provides Investment Management services to GCRE.
GC Nadlan has been created and managed by professionals with a wide experience in the Spanish and US real estate markets. Their proven professional experience, team complementarity and knowledge of the real estate market allows GC Nadlan to create opportunities when identifying properties and be competitive both during the purchase processes and subsequent management, maximizing the value of each property.

Jerry Mandel
Founder and Joint CEO of GC Nadlan and Chairmand of the Board of GCRE. (Learn more )

Management Team

Mr. Mandel is the founder, CEO, and Managing Member of GC Florida Group, a group of partnerships established in 2009 that has invested in and managed residential and commercial properties in the USA. From 2007 to 2009, he served as CEO and a Director on the Board of GMF Ltd., an investment firm that provided mezzanine financing to middle-market companies.

From 1998 to 2003, Mr. Mandel was a Director of Investment Banking of EEMEA for Merrill Lynch & Co. and responsible for the origination and execution of investment banking activities in Israel. Currently, Mr. Mandel serves as a Director on the Board and audit committee member of Kornit Digital Ltd (NASDAQ KRNT).
From 2008 to 2017, Mr. Mandel served as Director and audit committee member of Direct Insurance – Financial Investments Ltd. (TASE: DIFI). From 2005 to 2008, Mr. Mandel served as a Director of Chen Yahav, the pension funds arm of Bank Yahav, and from 2006 to 2008 he was the Chairman of its Investment Committee.

From 2004 to 2005, Mr. Mandel served as a Director on the Board and audit committee member of Cellcom Israel Ltd., a leading Israeli cellular company. Mr. Mandel holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering (magna cum laude) from Tel Aviv University in Israel and an M.B.A. (Dean's List) from Columbia Business School in New York.

Alberto Antoli Méndez
Joint CEO of GC Nadlan and Director on the Board of GCRE.(Learn more )

Equipo Gestor

Alberto Antoli Méndez is an owner partner of the law firm BUFETE LEIVA since 2000.
This firm is composed of two offices, one in Barcelona and one in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. It is specialized in Real Estate Law and in International Investment in Spain a part from all the common law areas..

From 1999 to 2001, he served as External Relations Manager in the company Gigante Universal Deportiva SCP. About his formation, Mr. Antolí is graduated and Doctorand in Law .
He is member of the law bar and also member of the property manager bar of Barcelona and Lleida. Has a master in Business management and coaching of the University Camilo José Cela.
He is Honorary Professor in the ESERP BUSINESS. Mr. Antolí has published one book related with the spanish and catalan law to MCGRAWHILL. He has been awarded by the Rotary Inernational SCG Paul Harris prize twice in 2013 and 2017.

Mr. Antolí has also been awarded with the Honor award by the European Doctors and Honoris Doctors Superior Council in 2012 and also by the International Investigation Group about Social and Business Company models.




Amit Binderman
Director on the Board of GCRE.(Learn more )

Management Team

Amit Binderman is a Member of our Board of Directors. Mr. Binderman is the CEO and President of KometaBio Inc. KometaBio Inc. is a medical device company focusing on the dental vertical since 2014.
From 2012 to 2014, Mr. Binderman has held a Vice President position at Vidyo Inc., a company in the videoconferencing space.

His responsibilities included the development of a profit center targeting cloud services, subscription business and telecom.
Since 2010 Mr. Binderman has also been managing a small portfolio of real estate investments in Tampa, Florida. Prior to Vidyo Inc., Mr. Binderman has worked for a variety of software startup companies in senior sales and business development roles.

From 1993 until 1998, Mr. Binderman was employed by Ernst & Young Management Consulting and later United Management Technologies as a strategic business consultant.
Mr. Binderman holds a B.Sc. in Exact Sciences from Tel Aviv University and an M.B.A. from UC Berkeley Business School in Berkeley, California.





GALIL CAPITAL owns a portfolio of prime residential properties, located in consolidated areas of Madrid and Barcelona.
In addition, GALIL CAPITAL, through its 100% owned subsidiary, Galil RE Naquera 1 SLU – owns an industrial property in Naquera (Valencia)

Tramuntana 1, Naquera
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased on 29 April 2021
Location Tramuntana 1, Naquera (Valencia)
SBA 52,103, comprised of 5 modulos.
  Parcela: 83,749 M2

Unio 28, Barcelona
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased in May 2016
Location Unio 28, Barcelona
SBA 1.787 sq m constructed area
  12 apartments
  3 stores
  1 storage unit

Navas de Tolosa 279, Barcelona
(Read more)

Acquisition Date May 2019
Location Navas de Tolosa 279, Barcelona
SBA 707 sq m constructed area
  11 apartments
  1 sotano

Breton de Los Herreros 14-16, Barcelona
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased in October 2016
Sale date December 2022.
Location Breton de Los Herreros 14-16, Barcelona
SBA 1.287 sq m constructed area
  11 apartments
  4 stores

Aulestia I Pijoan 4-6, Barcelona
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased in October 2016
Sale date December 2022.
Location Aulestia I Pijoan 4-6, Barcelona
SBA 1.281 sq m constructed area
  11 apartments
  4 stores

Corsega 689, Barcelona
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased in February 2017
Location Corsega 689, Barcelona
SBA 1.539 sq m constructed area
  14 apartments
  1 store

Escorial 9, Barcelona
(Leer más)

Acquisition Date July 2018
Location Escorial 9, Barcelona
SBA 1.603 sq m constructed area
  14 apartaments
  2 stores

Verdi 282, Barcelona
(Leer más)

Acquisition Date July 2018
Location Verdi 282, Barcelona
SBA 851 sq m constructed area
  13 apartaments
  2 stores

Granada 12, Madrid
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased in March 2017
Location Granada 12, Madrid
SBA 2.328 sq m constructed area
  44 apartments
  2 stores

Bejar 23, Madrid
(Read more)

Acquisition Date Purchased in December 2017
Sale date December 2022.
Location Bejar 23, Madrid
SBA 2.041 sq m constructed area
  21 apartments
  4 stores
  1 storage unit

Galil Capital RE Spain SOCIMI S.A.
08006 Barcelona
Tlf. +972-52-5499999

Contact form

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GALIL CAPITAL RE SPAIN SOCIMI, the data controller will process your data for the purpose of replying to your query or request. You may access, rectify and erase your data, and also exercise other rights by consulting the additional detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.

I have read and accept the conditions contained in the privacy policy on processing of my data to manage my query or request


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Cookies Policy



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